The Business Master (3rd Edition)
The Business Master (3rd Edition).iso
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CIMplicity CAD/CAM System | About the CIMplicity Disk Set
------------------------------- | -----------------------------
(C) Copyright 1985-1991 PMX Inc |
Rqmts: EGA/VGA, 640K, and Mouse | CIMplicity may be delivered as over
| 1.2 MB of files, or as a set of six
About the Pricing of CIMplicity | files that can be installed on 2 DS
------------------------------- | DD disks, or 1 mini-floppy or DS/HD
We have introduced CIMplicity for a | INSTALL.BAT, README.TXT & LAST.DSK)
price of $0.00, in order to expose | When downloaded from a BBS, it will
the public to our products, and to | be supplied as a squashed .EXE file
"show off" the ease-of-use and the | named CIM1 or as 2 squashed files
practicality of the system. But, | named CIM1 and CIM2.
we reserve the right to cancel this |
offer at any time.* | To install it onto the C drive from
| the floppy disk in drive A, type:
Please use CIMplicity CAD to design | A:INSTALL
parts/make drawings, and CIMplicity |
CAM to generate tapes for your CNC/ | For any other configuration, type:
NC machines. | a:INSTALL a c cim
This is NOT public domain, nor is it | Where 'a' is the source floppy ,'c'
freeware or shareware. CIMplicity | & 'cim' is the target drive & path.
is a real CAD/CAM/CIM system that is |
available at a price of $0.00. It is | To install it onto the current disk
copyrighted and protected by license | from a BBS download, type:
and patent by U.S. and foreign laws. | MD\CIM
*We reserve the right to change this | CD\CIM
pricing structure, discontinue the | CIM1 ;you may delete CIM1.EXE
program, or to stop authorization of | CIM2 ;and CIM2.EXE when done.
installations at any time, without |
notice. We also reserve the right to | About your CIMplicity License
refuse authorization code to anyone, | -----------------------------
without a stated reason. (Except for |
reasons of discrimination based upon | When you REGISTER your copy of CIM-
race, creed, sex, or origin.) | plicity, you are agreeing to all
| terms of license, and you become a
Notice to Publishers of Periodicals | user, and a potential dealer. All
----------------------------------- | registered users may sell copies of
| CIMplicity for the price of $0.00.*
We are happy to be mentioned in any |
journals that specialize in the NC, | *You may charge a small fee for the
CAM, or CIM marketplace. However, | disk and copy service. (up to $10)
if you publish in the field of CAD, | But you cannot charge any price for
graphics, personal computing, desk- | CIMplicity itself.
top publishing, or non-CAM related |
use, please do us the favor of NOT | CIMplicity may not be sold alone or
mentioning our name, this product, | as part of a sale for profit. Nor
or what we do here, unless you have | may it be bundled with other goods,
consulted with us first. The CAM | as a sale for more than $0.00. We
software market is very small, when | reserve the right to cancel the li-
compared to the CAD market. Publi- | cense to resell (act as a dealer),
city could cause a rush of users to | to anyone we wish. If this should
want to have CIMplicity, overburd- | occur then it is a violation of law
ening us. If this should occur, we | to continue to sell.
would have no choice, but to cancel |
this project, and to stop authoriz- | When you register your copy, a code
ing new copies of CIMplicity. So | number will be sent to you to auth-
please exercise caution when giving | orize your copy, and to unlock your
us publicity. Thank you. | CIMplicity software.
Note: Please write to us for permission to make this available on your BBS!